The money will be put in trust until she is 18. 钱会交付他人托管,直到她年满18岁。
At the same time, your psychic vibe will be right on the money, so trust those inner natural instincts. 与此同时,你对金钱的直觉非常正确,所以请相信自己的判断。
We've put some money into an investment trust. 我们已将一些钱投入了一家投资机构。
Those who put all their eggs in one basket place all their hopes, money or trust in one plan, scheme or adventure. 那些把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里的人也就是把他们所有的希望,钱和信任放在一个计划,方案或冒险上。
You mean John took the money? Well, trust him for that. 你是说约翰拿了钱吗?没错,他干得出来。
It is still very common to see the "We'll see when I get hacked" mentality still lingering among site owners who finally risk losing a lot of money and also the trust of their customers. 看到它仍然是非常常见的,“我们将看到,当我砍死”的心态仍然挥之不去的网站所有者之间,谁最终失去了很多钱的风险,也是他们的客户的信任。
Meredith Alexander, head of food aid policy at Action Aid, the international development charity, said it wanted the UK to channel promised aid money through the trust fund. 国际发展慈善组织行动援助(actionaid)粮食安全政策主管梅雷迪思亚历山大(meredithalexander)表示,他们希望英国将自己承诺的捐款交给该基金。
The issue was highlighted this month when a breast cancer patient was denied the option of buying a drug with her own money by her NHS trust. 上个月,继一个乳腺癌病人想用自己在NHS信托内的那部分钱购买药品而遭拒绝后,这个问题被炒得沸沸扬扬。
With your partner, develop an "emotional prenuptial agreement" that outlines how you'll handle children, money, trust issues, and division of labor. 和你的伴侣一起,建议一个“情感婚前协议”,概括出你们将要如何抚养孩子,处理金钱、信任问题、劳动分工。
And when all governments would like their currencies to be weaker rather than stronger, whose paper money do you trust? 在这个所有政府都宁可让自己的货币贬值而非升值的时代,还有谁家的钞票值得信任呢?
Many people and companies are putting their money in trust company products with far better returns than those on offer at the banks. 许多个人和公司正在将资金投入信托产品,所获收益远高于银行所能提供的回报。
In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust. 他未能归还那笔钱而辜负了我们的信任。
[ This] allowed our investors to say: we'll put the money up and trust this guy because he has a great reputation in movies, he says. 他表示:(这)让我们的投资者有底气说:我们会把钱投进去,我们相信这个人,因为他在电影界中享有很高的声誉。
$ 300 million from interest on money in the trust fund; 从信托资金存款利息中提取3亿美元;
Donation of money to charitable institution or trust of a public character 捐与公共性质慈善机构或信托团体的款项
Likewise, if a prize is declined or not accepted before a specified date, the Nobel Foundation retains the prize money in its trust. 同样地,如果在一个限定的日期之前有个奖项一直都拒绝或不被接受,那么诺贝尔基金会将保留奖金并代为托管。
We're putting money into a trust fund. 我们在信用基金方面投资。
Chinese factories have their own long lists of abusive buyer practices, and they have also lost serious money working on trust for orders that never came or resulted in partial or late payments. 同时,他们也因为信任问题而没有得到订单或者只是得到了部分付款或者晚付款,损失了大量的钞票。
I need some money from my trust fund. 我想从我的信托基金拿点钱。
The money is held in trust for when the child is older. 这钱受托保管到小孩长大。
So the primary way to leave money to an animal is to set the money aside in a trust structure and ask a beneficiary who receives the grant to care for the animal. 因此,把钱留给动物的主要方式是把它放在一只遗产信托中,请一位获得批准的受益人来照料动物。
The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one. 这笔钱委托他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用。
Review and Forecast of Collective Money Trust& Focus on Investor Rights Protection This is also the aim of the text. 我国集合资金信托制度的检讨和展望&以投资者权益保护为中心这也是本文对我国集合资金信托制度作一检讨的根本目的。
In the first part, the text mainly discusses the concept and nomological elements of collective money trust and it makes comparison with similar business as mutual fund and collective assets management. 第一部分主要讨论了集合资金信托业务的概念和法理分析为基础,并与类似的证券投资基金制度、证券公司集合客户资产管理业务作了比较。
From the view point of legislation, laws of collective money trust consists of one law, two rules and several guiding documents most of which are low level laws. 从立法现状的角度来看,规范集合资金信托业务的是一法两规以及监管机构的指导性文件,因此存在着立法位阶较低的现象;
Referring to the characteristic of trust products in China, the basic concept of the default risk of money trust is introduced in the view of the investors. 鉴于我国信托的特点,本文从投资人的角度提出了资金信托违约风险的概念;
That the business process of collective money trust is dominated by Trust and Investment Corporation determines the feeble status of investors who are much weaker in almost every part of the process. 首先,集合资金信托业务流程设计以信托公司为主导,决定了投资者的弱势地位,几乎每个环节都有投资者权益弱化的现象存在。
The result of the analysis indicates that the option-based default risk model applies to the money trust. 理论分析与案例检验表明基于期权的违约风险模型方法适用于资金信托产品。